I would strongly recommendBy admin Posted February 8, 2020 InI would strongly recommend2020-02-082020-02-08https://www.bobilawalkerlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/logo_3.pngBobila Walker Lawhttps://www.bobilawalkerlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/logo_3.png200px200px 0 adminRecent PostsCourt Rejects Costs Claim in Guardianship Case After Incapable Person’s DeathOntario Court Grants Dependant’s Relief Claim, Awards Half of Estate to Common-Law Spouse After 53-Year RelationshipOntario Court Rules Negligence Claim Against Estate Lawyer is a Collateral Attack on Probate, Dismissing LawsuitFamily Feud Over an Estate: How a Trustee’s Missteps Led to Court Removal